
Departments and staff

Department of Construction



Mihai Geanina

Badea Gabriela

Buta Constantin

Ciurea Cornel

Constantin Anca

Dobos Gheorghe

Draghici Gabriela

Dragoi Mihaela

Efrem Valentina

Filip Cosmin

Florea Mihai

Gelmambet Sunai

Hâncu Corneliu Dan

Maftei Carmen

Nitescu Claudiu Stefan

Omer Ichinur

Paduraru Georgel

Pericleanu Dan

Popa Mirela

Serban Cristina

Stanescu Madalina

Tenea Diana

Tepes Florin

Vintila Dragos


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Auxiliary Staff

Engineer: Florea Petrişoaia

Laboratory responsibles: Dorina Dascalopol, Mihaela Parconie

Research Staff