The Faculty of Civil Engineering from within Ovidius University of Constanta is a higher education institution, promoting quality and modern education by setting teaching and research standards complying with the European norms.
Since 1977, within the Institute of Subengineers of Constanta, there had been two specializations in the field of Civil Engineering: Hydrotechnical Constructions and Reclamation Land as short-term education forms. This institute functioned until 1990.
In 1990, the “Ovidius” University of Constanta was founded, based on the existing structure of the Institute of SubEngineers. Initially, Ovidius University had 5 engineering academic programmes, including specializations such as Hydraulic Constructions and Reclamation Land and Rural Development, as long-term education forms.
The establishment of the Faculty of Civil Engineering in 1999 through the reorganization of the Faculty of Engineering (GD nr.866/28.10.1999 MOR 524 of 28.10.1999 published in Part I), has emerged as a necessity in a socio-economic context that multiplies and emphasizes the requirements of harmonization of human resources with the specific professions, a context which requires increasing the weight of the human factor and, therefore, ascribing to the educational factor increased responsibilities at a social level.
By GD. No 568/28.07.1995 published in M.O.R. 185/16.08.1995 the Faculty of Civil Engineering within the “Ovidius” University of Constanta received authorization for specializations such as Hydraulic Construction and Reclamation Land and Rural Development as daily courses; in 1997 by GD no. 294/1997 the two specializations were accredited. Subsequent GD: GD 442/1998, 535/1999, 696/2000, 410/2002, 944/2002, 676/2007 come to confirm the decisions GD 294/1997. In 2005, according to GD 676/2007, the specialization Hydraulic Construction changed its name to Water Management and Hydraulic Structures.
In the academic year 1997, the Faculty of Civil Engineering expanded its educational offer by establishing other specializations such as Engineering and Construction Management GD. 294/1997, which by GD 410/2002 changed its name to Economic Engineering in Construction in 2002. In 2002, the Faculty of Civil Engineering obtained provisional authorization for the specialization Civil, Industrial and Agricultural Buildings(GD 410/2002). The Faculty of Civil Engineering had another short-term education form, namely Urbanization Works since 1997 (when it received provisional approval by GD 294/1997). This education short term form turned into Urban Engineering and Regional Development with temporary authorization (GD 676/2005). In 2009 it established a new field, Environmental Engineering, in which two specializations authorized by ARACIS function/ operate: Environmental Engineering and Engineering of Sustainable Rural Development.
In terms of postgraduate studies, there are five master programmes lasting 2-3 semesters.
Until 2005, the PhD studies within the Civil Engineering field were organized according to GD 37/1999. Between 2005 and 2012, the doctoral studies had been organized within a PhD School which functioned according to the Regulation concerning the organization and development of doctoral studies, complying with HG no.567/15.06.2005 and OMEC no. 4491/2005, headed by Prof. Virgil Breaban and coordinated by the Executive Director of the Doctoral School, elected by Faculty Council from its PhD tutors, in the person of Prof. Eng. Dumitru Ion Arsenie. In 2012, the PhD school came into liquidation, according to the MECTS decision.