The Faculty of Civil Engineering has had connections and collaborations with other institutions across the country and abroad, which focused on:
- mutual participation in commissions for the examination of doctoral programmes and doctoral supporting committees (with University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest UTCB, Technical University “Ghe Asachi”-UTI, Faculty of Hydro in Timisoara, Faculty of Land Reclamation and Environmental Engineering within USAMV Bucharest).
- conducting scientific research papers based on research contracts.
- mutual participation in scientific events organized by similar profile universities and publishing of scientific papers in specialized volumes.
- teachers and students exchange and mobility programs with universities abroad such as: Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Spain; Polytechnic University of Athens; University of Montpellier, France; Politechnical Institute of Toulouse; IHE-DelftNetherlands; University of Wageningen, Netherlands).
- partnership with the Nizhni Novgorod State Economical Engineering Institute, Russian Federation – Partnership Rusia.pdf.
- partnership with Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Ukraine; Parteneriat Ucraina.pdf.
- partner unit of the CEEPUS program in the network: CII-BG-0022-06-1011 “Teaching and Learning Civil Engineering in the European Context, coordinated by the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia, Bulgaria. Currently the network has the code: CIII-BG-0022-08-1213, Partnership CEEPUS.pdf.
- partnership in the Socrates program: “EUCCET” – Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Coordinator Chaussées – Paris.
- Phare Partnership with the Chamber of Commerce in Constanta.
- European COST program, Action 351 – Prof. Virgil Breaban, PhD, member of the Managing Committee of the Programme.
- student mobility with other universities since 1998 within the SOCRATES-ERASMUS programs.
- teachers mobility within the SOCRATES-ERASMUS programmes.
Collaboration with local enterprises, regional development agencies, associations / professional organizations in the field is reflected by the organization of conferences, symposia, roundtables, by partnership contracts or by solving of a wide variety of local and national interest issues.
Among the collaborations under contract with local and national partners, lately developed we mention: the contracts with Constanta-Litoral Water Directorate in Dobrogea or ANIF Branch, ConstantaCity Hall, etc.
In the future, the cooperation of teachers and students with other institutions in the country and abroad will determine the emergence of publications in professional journals, participation in national and international conferences, participation in research grants and contracts with economic agents and individual mobility within bilateral agreements with European universities through the Erasmus program.